Special funding out soon for Indian NGOs

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Asia Samachar | 2 June 2015

A special funding for Indian-based non-government organisations (NGOs), which will include Sikh-based outfits, is expected to be finalised ‘very soon’.

Once approved by Prime Minister Mohd Najib Razak, the NGOs will be provided information on the method of application and other relevant details of the Federal government funding.

“The details will be out very soon. We are awaiting for the endorsement of  the Prime Minister,” Social-Economic Development of Indian Community (SEDIC) director Prof Dr NS Rajendran tells Asia Samachar.

SEDIC is a special unit formed under the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to handle the special funding for Indian NGOs, a task previously handled by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), also under the PMO.

In the past, Sikh organisations like the Malaysian Gurdwaras Council (MGC), Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM). Coalition of Malaysian Sikh Organisations (CMSO) and Khalsa Diwan Malaysia (KDM) have received direct funding from the Government.

However, it is understood that none of the Sikh organisations received any funding from the Federal Government last year.

The special funding, with an amount yet to be announced, comes as the Government prepares to roll out the  Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) which was unveiled in Parliament on May 21.

Group photo: (L-R) CMSO secretary general Autar Singh, SEDIC director Prof Rajendran, UPM's Dr Sarjit Singh, Khalsa Diwan Malaysia president Bhag Singh and Secretariat for Empowerment of Indian Entrepreneurs (SEED) CEO Dr AT Kumararajah. Below, middle: Former long-minister and former leader of MIC S Samy Vellu. - PHOTO ASIA SAMACHAR
Group photo: (L-R) CMSO secretary general Autar Singh, SEDIC director Prof Rajendran, UPM’s Dr Sarjit Singh, Khalsa Diwan Malaysia president Bhag Singh and Secretariat for Empowerment of Indian Entrepreneurs (SEED) CEO Dr AT Kumararajah.
Below, middle: Former long-minister and former leader of MIC S Samy Vellu. – PHOTO ASIA SAMACHAR

Rajendan was one of the speakers at a symposium in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday entitled ‘Reviewing the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020: Tapping the Opportunities & Plugging Into the Provisions’. It was organised by Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA) and Yayasan Pemulihan Sosial (YPS). [See story here].

One of the sessions at the April symposium were moderated by Associate Prof Dr Sarjit Singh from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)’s Faculty of Ecology.

In the symposium, Rajendran said the process for 2015 special funding will be transparent, done with integrity and done efficiently.

“A new mechanism has been developed for the funding process, which will be announced to the public through the media, both print and social media. Information on the requirements for the proposals will also be disseminated.

“Once a particular NGO has received funding, we will put in place comprehensive monitoring. While the Government has an important role to play, the role of the civil society shouldn’t be underestimated. With or without GOvernment funding, societies have role to play. We must build the capacity of people in NGOs, to increase their effectiveness,” he said.

His remarks were captured in a document capturing the deliberations edited by Dr Denison Jayasooria, a principal research fellow at KITA, an institute under Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

SEDIC was formed with the objective of managing the special funding provided by the PM for the Indian community, ensuring that it is handled efficiently, with integrity and that it reaches the target group i.e. those with the lowest income in the Indian community (bottom 40%).


[ASIA SAMACHAR is an online newspaper for Sikhs in Southeast Asia and surrounding countries. We have a Facebook page, do give it a LIKE! Visit our website: www.asiasamachar.com]




Sikh reps to attend 11th Malaysia Plan discussion (Asia Samachar, 31 May 2015)

Selangor Vaisakhi Open House: CMSO (Asia Samachar, 17 May 2015)

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Perak PEC centres get total RM65k funding (Asia Samachar, 8 Feb 2015)

Selangor state urged to assist teaching of Punjabi language Asia Samachar (17 Dec 2014)

Johor state has been supportive of Sikhs: Manjeet (Asia Samachar, 9 Dec 2014)

Perak allocates RM500,000 for Sikhs in state budget – Asia Samachar (8 Dec 2014)




    PUTRAJAYA, 5 Jun (Bernama) — Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak meluluskan dana bernilai RM100 juta bagi Unit Khas Pembangunan Sosioekonomi Masyarakat India (SEDIC) untuk meningkatkan sosioekonomi golongan India berpendapatan rendah.

    Pengarah SEDIC Prof Datuk Dr N.S.Rajendran berkata unit khas yang ditubuhkan Mei lalu, merupakan satu lagi usaha murni kerajaan untuk mewujudkan peluang bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup 40 peratus daripada kira-kira 2.6 juta kaum India.

    Beliau berkata dana itu akan disalurkan melalui badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan institusi latihan kemahiran yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, dan bukannya kepada individu atau mana-mana parti politik.

    Katanya, SEDIC mengenal pasti 11 skop cadangan program melibatkan keperluan utama masyarakat India, antaranya isu sekolah Tamil, dokumentasi, kemasukan pelajar ke Institusi Pengajian Tinggi, belia berisiko tinggi serta penyertaan kaum India dalam sektor awam.

    “SEDIC akan memastikan dana yang disediakan ditadbir urus dengan efisien, telus dan teratur supaya golongan sasaran yang sangat memerlukan intervensi tidak ketinggalan dan menerima manfaat positif daripada usaha kerajaan,” katanya dalam sidang media di pejabatnya di sini hari ini.

    Rajendran menjelaskan lebih 600,000 masyarakat keturunan India di negara ini berada pada tahap paras bawah 40 peratus (B40) dalam 38 daerah di sembilan buah negeri, berpendapatan kurang daripada RM2,537 sebulan.

    Katanya, setiap permohonan yang dibuat oleh NGO dan institusi latihan kemahiran akan melalui tiga peringkat sebelum diluluskan perdana menteri dan dana akan dibiayai Pejabat Perdana Menteri melalui Kementerian Kewangan.

    “NGO dan institusi latihan kemahiran hendaklah mengikut garis panduan yang dinyatakan dalam skop cadangan program dan ia boleh dimuat turun melalui laman web SEDIC di http://www.sedic.my mulai 9 Jun ini,” katanya.

    Rajendran turut mengingatkan, jawatankuasa SEDIC akan membatalkan perjanjian persefahaman dengan mana-mana NGO atau institusi latihan kemahiran sekiranya mereka menyalahgunakan wang yang disalurkan untuk membantu masyarakat India.

    “Sekiranya mereka menggunakan wang itu untuk tujuan lain, SEDIC akan meminta mereka membayar semula wang itu sorta kami akan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka,” jelas beliau.

    Justeru, beliau berkata SEDIC turut mengadakan jerayawara di empat negeri iaitu Putrajaya pada 10 Jun; Johor Baharu, Johor (11 Jun); Sungai Petani, Kedah (17 Jun) dan Ipoh, Perak (19 Jun). — BERNAMA


    KUALA LUMPUR, June 5 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today launched two initiatives to assist local Chinese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) — the Secretariat for the Advancement of Malaysian Entrepreneurs (SAME), and the Chinese SMEs Entrepreneur Fund.

    SAME, set up on Oct 1 last year under the Prime Minister’s Department, is a SME and micro credit development unit aimed at assisting SMEs in every dimension, while the SME financing scheme, with a RM50 million allocation from the government, offers soft loans of between RM50,000 and RM250,000.

    Najib expressed confidence that with the two schemes in place, Malaysia’s journey towards transforming the nation’s economy would be successful.

    “We must ensure that the private sector truly becomes the engine of growth. When we talk about the sector, what does it mean? More than 90 per cent of businesses in the country are SMEs and micro entreprises,” he said at the launch of the two schemes her today.

    Also in attendance were MCA President-cum-Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, who is also MCA Deputy President.

    Najib said SMEs’ contribution to the Malaysian economy is targeted to grow to 41 per cent by 2020 from 35 per cent currently, adding SMEs’ expansion would create employment, generate growth and increase exports.

    “And this would ensure a stronger, more resilient economy,” he said.

    Loans under the scheme will be disbursed by Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Bhd (KOJADI).

    “I was told that the Treasury has approved the disbursement in two weeks,” he said, adding both initiatives were created to respond to the requests of the Chinese community as voiced by MCA.

    “As a nation, we must listen to the demands of the people, and we must act fairly.

    “When we say this is a government that believes in inclusivity, it is also a government that stands for all Malaysians,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Liow in his speech expressed gratitude to Najib for exercising his discretionary power and commitment with his ‘People First’ principles, and for supporting meaningful initiatives to assist and contribute to the development of the Chinese community in Malaysia.

    “I am thankful that MCA representatives are entrusted to work together under the Prime Minister and his Cabinet as well as with various other ministries, which has proven to be helpful to the Chinese community and Malaysians,” he said.

    He also expressed confidence that through SAME’s efforts, the communication gap between Chinese SMEs and the government could be bridged. — BERNAMA

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