Malaysia’s annual Vaisakhi kick-off goes to Klang

| Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  | 14 March 2016 Asia Samachar |


Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM) is moving its annual Vaisakhi kick-off away from its usual venue in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

The programme, planned for 31 March to 3 April, will take place at Gurdwara Sahib Klang.

SEE ALSO: Naujawan Sabha is broke

“Looking at the current economic situation this will be one good way to prudently spend the sangat’s money wisely. In view of this, it will be more worthwhile to spend on more effective parchar activities rather than one programme,” said SNSM jathedar Pavandeep Singh in a statement released via the social media.


Manyog jio.

After taking into consideration escalating cost it is therefore decided that this year’s Vesakhi Grand Event will be shifted to Gurdwara Sahib Klang. There will be no changes in the invited Jathas and programme schedule. The whole programme designed for IYC Cheras will be carried out in Gurdwara Sahib Klang.

Looking at the current economic situation this will be one good way to prudently spend the sangat’s money wisely. In view of this, it will be more worthwhile to spend on more effective parchar activities rather than one programme. Request to the whole Sanggat and Sewaaars to give full support for the program in Klang. We take this opportunity to thank the committee of Gurdwara Sahib Klang for their support to carry out this event hand in hand with SNSM.

Pavandeep Singh
Jathedar SNSM


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