Vaisakhi 2016 programme listing: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia

| Vaisakhi Listing | Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia  | Updated: 2 April 2016; 15:16 Asia Samachar |


Vaisakhi is a major celebration in the Sikh calendar. We capture the programmes taking place in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.

To include your programme, send us the required details via the Asia Samachar Facebook page, or simply add them in the comment page at the end of this page. EMAIL:




31/3-3/4: Vesakhi Kirtan Darbar is a four-day kirtan/katha programme organised by the Sikh Sewaks Singapore. It is part of the Khalsa Week 2016. To volunteer, call +65.97839373. See Facebook page for: Khalsa Week 2016

Khalsa Chef participants in action. - PHOTO / Sikh Sewaks Singapore Facebook
Khalsa Chef participants in action. – PHOTO / Sikh Sewaks Singapore Facebook

3/4: Khalsa Chefs. Teens and adults get a chance to prepare their own dish and vie for the Khalsa masterchef title. Contact: Manveer @9147 6355


9/4: Lecture by Dr Jaswinder Singh on the history and concept of Panj Pyare in the Sikh Religion at Central Sikh Temple on 9/4 (1pm to 2.30pm). See Facebook page for: Central Sikh Gurdwara SC


10/4: Apinder Singh (Sikh historian at Sikh Centre) delivers first of two lectures on ‘Creation of the Khalsa Army’ as part of the Sikhs history series on the rise and fall of the Sikh empire. Time: 1pm at Sikh Centre, Auditorium. [Second lecture on 24 April, 1pm]

13/4: Amrit Sanchaar, for those who want to partake amrit in Singapore, can head to Central Sikh Temple (3rd Floor Darbar) on 13 April at 3pm.




27/3: Q&A session on Amrit Sanchaar at Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang at 2pm-5pm. Speakers: Giani Lakhbir Singh, Balvinder Singh and Pardeep Kaur. Contact: Harjinder Singh 016.4424502, Daljit Singh 012.4234177. Facebook page: Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang


30/3-3/4: SNSM’s Grand Vaisakhi Event 2016 by Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM) at Gurdwara Sahib Klang, Selangor. This is an annual kick-off for Vaisakhi comprising kirtan and katha (talks) by invited raagi jathas and local kirtanis. It also carries a host events on the sidelines, including a bazaar. See Facebook page for: Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia


8/4-10/4: Grand Kirtan Darbar at Gurdwara Sahib Johor Bahru. The programme starts on 8/4 with a session from 7pm-10pm. On 9/4, asa di saar 6am-8am, morning diwan (9am-12pm) and evening session (7pm-10pm). On 10/4,  asa di saar 6am-8am, morning diwan (9am-12pm). Contact: Manjeet Singh 013.7791313. Facebook: Gurdwara Sahib Johor Bahru


10/4: Amrit Sanchaar at Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang starting 5am. It is organised by Malaysian Gurdwaras Council (MGC). On 9/4, a Kirtan Darbar will be held from 6.30pm-9pm. Contact: Harjinder Singh 016.4424502, Daljit Singh 012.4234177. Facebook page: Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang


13/4: Sikhi Saroop Fashion Show at Gurdwara Sahib Seremban. Participants will do a ‘cat-walk’ accompanied by patriotic Sikh songs. Part of Seremban’s 2016 Vaisakhi Competitions open to all Sikhs in Negeri Sembilan. Facebook page: Seremban Sikh Naujawan


23/4: NSSU Nite 2016 will include Best Students Awards for UPSR, PT3, SPM and STPM examinations. Organised by the Negeri Sembilan Sikh Union, the evening programme on 23 April 2016 will be held at City Kingdom Hall, Taman AST in Seremban. Tickets per table is at RM800, RM700, RM600 and RM500. Contact: Delwill Singh 012.2222122, Jagjeet Singh 012.3500892.


30/4: Piala Perpaduan Happy Hockey, a 9-aside hockey tournament, organised by Happy Hockey and Kebab Aman. Contact: Sukhjit 017.2133937, Jaspal 017.8897673, Rubini 012.2505269, Sital 012.2770285. Facebook page: Piala Perpaduan Happy Hockey

30/4: Tambun Parliamentary Constituency Vaisakhi Open House at Dewan Terbuka Kampung Changkat Kinding (near Kinding Resort) on 30 April 2016 (Sat) from 7pm to 10pm. Contact: Jageer Singh Sandhu (Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Komuniti Kaum Sikh, myPPP, Bahagian Tambun) at 016.5337092





[ASIA SAMACHAR is an online newspaper for Sikhs in Southeast Asia and surounding countries. We have a Facebook page, do give it a LIKE. Follow us on Twitter. Visit our website:]


Naujawan Sabha is broke (Asia Samachar, 14 March 2016)

SNSM Vaisakhi kick-off may not take place at Cheras (Asia Samachar, 11 March 2016)