Date: 15-10-2018
To: The Editor, Asia Samachar
Subject: Use of Khanda Symbol
1. The Malaysian Gurdwaras Council (MGC) refers to the letter by TS Singh and the reply by SSU Kelab Aman relating to the usage of the symbol of Khanda in the advertisement for Bhangra Fest where 2 beer mugs are shown. These letters appeared in the Asia Samachar on 14/10/2018 and 15/10/2018 respectively.
2. The MGC notes that the Kelab Aman logo which contains the Khanda has been there for the past 44 years. It also notes the SSU Kelab Aman explanation that the “Club’s logo was used as nothing more than to signify that the event is one of the events happening at the club”.
3. The Khanda is a globally recognised Sikh Symbol. It has come to denote Sikhi, Sikh Religion, Gurdwaras and other Sikh virtues.
4. Thus, to an ordinary Sikh the use of Khanda where the beer is being promoted is inappropriate. The Kelab Aman logo is perfectly in-order for sporting and other such activities but it is not appropriate where alcoholic drinks are promoted.
5. However, the MGC welcomes the rethink by Kelab Aman alluded to in their letter, that is “creating an entirely new club logo or to refrain from using the current logo for the promotion of alcohol related activities”.
6. This rethink by Kelab Aman will be a step in the right direction and understandably this could take sometime for the changes to be made as any change to the logo will have to be approved by the Annual General Meeting.
Dhanwad Ji,
(Jagir Singh, President, MGC)
* This is the opinion of the writer, organisation or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Asia Samachar.
Kelab Aman replies to letter on khanda and alcohol (Asia Samachar, 15 Oct 2018)
Don’t use khanda to promote alcohol, Kelab Aman told (Asia Samachar, 14 Oct 2018)
Team Baljit sweeps Kelab Aman elections (Asia Samachar, 8 April 2018)
Sikhs need to start talking about alcohol problem (Asia Samachar, 20 June 2017)
Alcohol, Gurdwara and the Cup (Asia Samachar, 22 June 2016)