
Rajinder Singh s/o Bhag Singh (Guru Kalgidhar Ipoh) 23.7.1940 - 4.2.2025

APL - Akaal Premier League

Klang Rangers emerged champions for the first time at the Akaal Premier League (APL)  when they overcame strong attacking by Selayang Sardars in the under...

| Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 28 Aug 2017 | Asia Samachar | By Jagdesh Singh The Seremban Lions recorded their first win of the season in the Akaal Premier...


11 Feb 2025 (Tuesday) | 9am-5pm This course is suited for couples who got...

Here’s a note from SSU Kelab Aman as they prepare for their Golden Jubilee.

Popular British kirtan jatha Nirvair Khalsa Jatha prime kirtani Bhai Harinder Singh will be conducting programmes at...

By Asia Samachar | Malaysia | Gurdwara Sahib Klang will be celebranting the 555th Parkash...


Gagandeep Singh By Jagdesh Singh | Opinion | Punjabis have been dominating figures in the...

One of the teams taking part in the Shah Alam gurdwara hockey tournament in conjunction with the 555th birthday of Guru...