Gurdeep Singh Waryah: Tribute to a selfless sewadar

Gurdeep was a trustee of Sikh Welfare Awareness Team, a charity which provides a youth club facility for children to come and get involved in activities, listen to inspirational talks and most importantly to learn about their Sikh faith.

Gurdeep Singh Waryah
By Min Kaur | LONDON |

Seva is one of the key principles of Sikhi. In December 2018, UK Sikhs lost a selfless sewadar by the name of Gurdeep Singh Waryah who was well respected and always thought of others. We want to remember this much loved soul.

Gurdeep was a trustee of Sikh Welfare Awareness Team, a charity which provides a youth club facility for children to come and get involved in activities, listen to inspirational talks and most importantly to learn about their Sikh faith.

He would spend most of his time doing Seva and was always there for others. He was one person you could speak to about anything as he would never judge you.

Gurdeep has left a legacy behind because of the person he is someone who had no ‘ego’ and was always smiling.

He was one of those people who had time for everyone and loved to be around Sangat (people). He had many friends and was an amazing son, father, husband and brother.

Gurdeep was very passionate about serving the community which is why he was part of many different charities from feeding the homeless to spiritual camps for kids and adults.

Although Gurdeep has merged with Vaheguru(God), he left us all a parting gift, his beautiful daughter Gurkirat (Bani). I’m sure she will grow up to be another gem in the community.

It’s an honour to know and meet such a person, someone we can cherish, someone we can learn from, and most importantly someone we can aspire to be like.

gur jaisaa naahee ko dayv.
There is no deity equal to the Guru.

jis mastak bhaag so laagaa sayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever has good destiny inscribed on his forehead, applies himself to seva – selfless service. ||1||Pause||

So many people’s hearts have been touched by Gurdeep and it makes you realise how life is very short when we lose someone close to us.

The reason I share this is because the 3 principles of Sikhi are Naam Japna, Seva, Kirat Karmai. Sometimes we get caught up in this materialistic world of Maya and the panj chor kidnap our mind and we get blinded by this falsehood of life.

Death is a breath away and all of us are on a train journey and the next stop could be ours. Let’s try to reflect on ourselves and fill our breath with more of the 3 principles but also to love others and treat people as you would like to be treated.

Time is going by so quick easy second is a blessing and use the precious time we have to work towards being a better person, helping others, giving back to the community and to remember Waheguru with every breath because our only support is God and without our Guru we are nothing.

Let’s spread the love, care about one another, be in good Sangat and pray that Waheguru blesses us with naam and keeps us attached to their Charan.

Love from the Family and Community who miss you dearly…x


Freelance journalist Min Kaur is also an events host and henna artist. She manages the Min Kaur Podcast.


Independent and positive women rock, says freelance journo Min Kaur (Asia Samachar, 13 March 2019)


[ASIA SAMACHAR is an online newspaper for Sikhs / Punjabis in Asia. How to reach us: Facebook message or WhatsApp +6017-335-1399. Our email: For obituary announcements, click here]


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