Europe | Asia Samachar | 31 Mar 2015
UK filmmaker Jagjeet Singh’s work bullying came out tops at the Nikon European Film Festival, beating some 300 other short films submitted by budding film makers across Europe.
Entitled Voiceless – Stop the Bullies, the 2-minute film took the Grand Prix top prize, winning Jagjeet a Nikon D810 film kit and an all-expenses paid, one week networking trip to the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015.
The final judging session was held in Rome, Italy, according to reports in photo magazines.
“I’m pleased to win an award for this particular film as it’s a project that sits close to my heart,” Jagjeet was quoted in one report.
“I wanted to raise awareness of how bullying is universal and the pain it can cause the victims and their families. Inspiring, unheard voices of what really matters in society has motivated me to become a filmmaker and I hope this film inspires others to do the same.”
Voiceless – Stop the Bullies, which had a strong anti-bullying message, was praised for its ability to combine a compelling narrative with technical prowess, according to one report.
It gave life to a poem written by Vijay Singh moments before he took his life in 1997. He was a bully victim.
In an article on bullying in UK’s Observer, it says:
One of the most heart-rending cases was that of the 13-year-old Manchester schoolboy Vijay Singh whose parents found the following entries in his diary in 1997:
‘Monday: My money was taken. Tuesday: Names called. Wednesday: Uniform torn. Thursday: My body pouring with blood. Friday: It’s ended. Saturday: Freedom.’
Saturday was the day Vijay was found dead, hanging from the banister of his home by a silk scarf.
Vijay’s poem can be read at SikhHelpline here.
“Having made films for several years, achieving recognition for my work is a dream I have been chasing for a very long time,” Jagjeet said.
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