By Khalsa Lakhvir-Singh | Kenya |
On my visit to the Nairobi Railway Museum this morning, I happened to bump into an Akorino band filming their music video there. Our Kenyan Sikh and Akorino turbans are identical in style but are inverted to each other.
The Akorino faith are an African Christian sect that was established in colonial Kenya and their turban style seems to been inspired by the Kalasingha one, which is also unique to East Africa’s Sikhs who have been a part of the region since the turn of the 1900s when they were brought in by dhow in their thousands by the British Colonialists from undivided Punjab from 1895 to 1901 to build their massive 1000km railway project from the coast to the lake.
(Extracted from the author’s entry at his LinkedIn profile. The Nairobi-based author also manages the Kenyankalasingha Facebook page managed)
Looking sharp (Asia Samachar, 31 March 2023)
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