Calling Sikhs & Punjabis from Universiti Malaya for 2nd alumni reunion. It’s happening on June 24

Coming up is the 'Bollywood Nite, Khana Aur Masti' at the Havelly Kuala Lumpur


By Asia Samachar | Malaysia |

Sikh and Punjabi graduates from Universiti Malaya (UM) are eagerly getting ready for their second reunion on June 24. The organising team is busy trying to reach out to alumni from all batches, including those who did diploma, degree, masters, PhD, distant learning and CLP.

Coming up is the ‘Bollywood Nite, Khana Aur Masti’ at the Havelly Kuala Lumpur on June 24, 2023, starting at 7pm.

Most of the UM Sikh alumni were at some point members of the Persatuan Agama Sikh Universiti Malaya (PasUM). Their last reunion took place in 2014.

“Our last gathering was about 10 years ago and since then a lot has happened in the last decade. Some have became grandparents, some parents, some migrated, some moved back to Malaysia and sadly some have left us forever. So come and join us. It will be an awesome evening, catching up and reminiscing the good old days,” ” said organising team member Meninder Kaur Jessy.

She called on everyone to join the event

“Even if you were not an active member of PasUM, we were all part of the same family in UM just at different times. We hope to see you there,” said Another one of the organizing team member.

For more details, call Menin Jessy at +6019-2867744.

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