The newly appointed Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM) exco has issued a letter on the four-decade old organisation’s position on the divisive issue of Dasam Granth (DG).
The letter, dated 18 July and titled ‘Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia reaffirms Sri Akaal Takht’s stand on Dasam Granth’, is being sent out to members.
When contacted, SNSM jathedar Dr Jasbir Singh confirmed the issuance of the letter.
Dr Jasbir was recently reelected as the jathedar, as the organisation’s chief. SNSM only elects the jathedar who then appoints an exco to run the outfit for a two-year term.
In the four-page letter, signed by Dr Jasbir on behalf of the exco, it described SNSM as a ‘unifying force in Malaysian history’ guided by the Sikh Rehat Maryada (SRM), the Sikh code of conduct.
“Over the years, misinterpretation of [SRM] has damaged the mutual cooperation and unity amongst our beautiful sanggat here,” the letter says.
“Many have denigrated the contents of Sri Guru Gobind Singh’s Bani while others have rushed to defend what has been given to us as our heritage and lagacy.
“The people who worked for years together for the common good of the panth now find themselves pitted in opposite camps writing unsavourable posts on social media. The situation has become painful and sad.”
The DG, an issue discussed at the AGM, has been a hot button on the social media for a segment of Sikhs. The debate has broken up friendships and even severed family ties for some.
While urging members to ‘understand the spirit’ of the letter, it is to be seen if the document mend the divide.
SNSM reelects Dr Jasbir as jathedar (Asia Samachar, 8 July 2018)
Naujawan Sabha stands by teachings of Shabad Guru, SGGS, guided by SRM, abiding Akaal Takht hukamnamas (Asia Samachar, 25 May 2017)
Sikh Rehat Maryada – English translation (Asia Samachar, 26 Feb 2017)
Dasam Granth ‘parkash’ in Kuala Lumpur serious transgression of maryada, says MGC (Asia Samachar, 29 Dec 2016)
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