By Jay Singh
TANJUNG RAMBUTAN (Perak, Malaysia): A single mothers’ group has come forward to coordinate financial assistance to lighten the burden of a single mother whose son is in critical condition at the Ipoh Hospital, Perak.
Casvin Singh, in his early 20’s and the youngest among four siblings, met with a road accident on Nov 6 (Thurs) and suffered serious injuries to his head. He had undergone an operation on the same night but it was learnt that his condition is quite critical.
Known for his affable manner, love of sewa and ever helpful hand, hundreds of well wishers have offered prayers for him.
The Sikh Single Mothers Association of Ipoh (SikhMAI) has taken charge by collecting donations for the victim’s family.
SikhMAI coordinator Amarjid Kaur said Casvin’s mother is a member of the association.
She said individuals or organisations wishing to help Casvin’s family could donate to:
Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Kaum Sikh Ipoh (Public Bank – AC: 3146426205)
[For further information, please call Amarjid at +6016-5310300; or email]